An early birthday present for Saffron, a trip to see the Wiggles LIVE! Lots of fun by 4 grown men who were having a great time themselves, lots of fun for the girls and plenty of humor for the parents. A great number of dads were there - not sure if they were hoping for a guest appearance from their latest collaboration or not - but no Kylie after all!. Just Dorothy the dinosaur, wags the dog, henry the octopus, Captain feather sword.
We striked lucky - we got to go in a separate door with no merchandising! Heaven sent!
Macdonalds treat for lunch and all were happy.
Josh and Andy had enjoyed a trip to Pink Panther 2 the week before, having won free tickets in a competition. After which Josh went to spend his money, after selling old toys he no longer wanted on trade me he save $100 to buy some star wars lego - Rebal Tank. He is impressed!4 more days till the end of term and 2 weeks of Easter Holiday fun... lots of trips I think, including a cinema, passport photos trip! The weather her is a real India summer, with Autumn being very mild and warm, just as we remember it 2 years ago this weekend for our first visit. Have remembered though nothing is open good friday!
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